
Direct Mail

IMX Spain is a private business that has been in operation since 1994. IMX provides all the practical services required to handle all types of direct mail projects.


Based in Malaga with an office and facilities in Madrid we have extensive experience in the direct mail industry all over Europe. Whatever the nature of your business, we are able to advise and implement your campaign every step of the way. We have a long track record so you can rest assured that your mailings are in safe hands.


It can be quite daunting to put together a direct mail campaign. We pride ourselves in offering good, practical advice to all our clients to whom we offer a personal service. Your account manager will be the first point of contact for all briefing requirements, production communication and any other queries you may have. They will bring in any appropriate team members, such as IT, Estimating and Printing as appropriate. Your account manager will suggest alternative methods of carrying out your requirements, both to keep costs down and to improve presentation and response.


We will pro-actively offer you the best advice on your projects and confirm production timings with you on an on-going basis.



Direct mail and catalogues, as with periodicals, benefit from discounted rates in many countries. 


The qualification requirements do however vary country by country and the discounts are often not as generous as for periodicals. The principal restriction is volume. That is, you will require more items per mailing or group of mailings per country to access the most beneficial postal tariffs.


Examples of services include Mailsort (UK), Infopost (Germany), Bulk (USA) and Massendenseng (Austria) and Publicorreo (Spain)



Call us now for a free no obligation quotation.